Controlling your IP as the foundation for controlling your business
There are many ways to be in control of your business. A good place to start is to be in control of your company’s IP. Having that control strengthens your market value and makes your business more attractive to investors.
How competitive is your market?
There are different kinds of rights and they may not all be relevant to you. We can help you navigate your way through the jungle that is IP rights. One of the things to be aware of is the consequences of someone else already having rights for something similar to what you would like to protect. For example, if you are looking to patent an invention, we can help you prepare a freedom-to-operate analysis, so you can see which other patent rights are already held and thus your scope to operate in the market.
How unique is your invention?
We offer to perform a novelty search before starting the process of applying for a right. That will uncover whether inventions similar to yours already exist. The goal is to set you up with a strategy for what you are likely to succeed in applying for protection of and to determine if there is anything you might be able to do to maximise your chances of obtaining the rights you are seeking.
Be prepared for infringements
Another thing you would do well to consider early on in the process is how you would respond if your rights are infringed. We will include such considerations in your IP strategy.
Let us get you off to a good start
In short, an IP strategy may or may not be comprehensive and all encompassing, but it is important to have one early on in the process, so you avoid wasting money developing something that is not eligible for protection or which pursues markets that will prove too competitive.
Rest assured that we will always base our services on the needs of your business and that we will find the solution that is right for you. You'll learn more on freedom-to-operate, due diligence, novelty search and commercialisation below here.