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News · 02.05.2023

Managing IP EMEA Awards 2023

Eva Nødskov Aaen is nominated in the category ’Practitioner of the Year’ (Patent & Trademark Attorney Firms)

For several years running, Eva has been named as an IP Star by Managing IP. This year, she is shortlisted as 'Practitioner of the Year' which is a great honor.

Eva is a very experienced attorney and has many years’ experiences with trademark- and design protection, infringement cases, assessment, and calculation of damages within infringement cases, litigation, contract signing, marketing law and copyright law.

She is lead counsel on many of our largest clients. Eva is authorized to represent clients before the Supreme Court of Denmark.  Eva is the author and co-author of several books on IP -rights and comments to court-decisions in several IP-magazines. 

Eva Nødskov Aaen er nomineret til Practioner of the Year

She is the author of the Karnov (Thomson Reumerts) notes to the following Danish Laws:  The Patent Law, The Marketing Law, The Copyright Law.  Eva is a member of INTAs committee on well-known trademarks and has for 10 years served on the Board of Directors of LES Scandinavia.

Eva is a judge in the Patent and Trademark Board of Appeal. 

Congratulation on the nomination!

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