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Jens Tellefsen

Jens Tellefsen

Partner, European Patent Attorney

Ceresbyen 75, 6., 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Jens is a grand old man in the world of patents. He has extensive experience, internationally too, having worked ten years as an examiner at the European Patent Office (EPO). Backed by his extensive knowledge and experience within patents, he provides assistance with everything from patent application drafting, prosecution of patent applications within various technical areas, advice on patenting strategies, IP management, legal issues and cross-border litigation.

After finishing his education, Jens worked as a construction engineer with Unicon A/S and subsequently as a project manager with Pihl & Søn A/S, where he worked on projects both in Iceland and in the Faroe Islands. Jens has also worked as a consultant with AEC A/S.

Jens Tellefsen holds a BSc in Construction Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).